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Debt Collection

Aussie Painters Network has sourced a Debt Collection company to assist you to get paid.

We are receiving calls and feedback daily from painters that their biggest problem in their business is cash flow and getting paid on time. This is why we have sourced this for our Members.

We have partnered up with the largest Debt Recovery and Credit Management Company servicing small to medium business in Australia.


Are you owed money for work you have done?

Are you chasing money owed to you?

Not sure where to go to get help with bad payers?

Do you want to protect yourself as a secured creditor (like a bank)?

If you answer YES to any of these we can help you!

Some of the services that they can assist you with are:

  • Debt Collection (Commercial and Consumer)
  • Terms of Trade
  • Credit Reporting


It doesn’t matter what part of the country you are in we can assist you. Its not as much as you might think!

Contact us for more information and for how we can help and how much you can save.

07 3555 8010 or 1800 355 344